
Nowadays, day to day operations struggle not with a lack of data but much rather with their abundance. For tasks and processes to be executed effectively and efficiently it is vital, that data can quickly be located, interpreted, analyzed, and compared.

Our Analyses-Engine is exactly the tool you need for those important tasks. It is designed to cope with even the largest amounts of data, enabling you to analyze your complete portfolio even if it contains several tens of thousands of objects. Just like any other tool on the C-platform, the Analyses-Engine may be configured by the user to match the process at hand. This allows even for complex analyses to be quickly created and carried out on the fly. Reoccurring analyses can be saved for future use. Different use cases call different tools. That’s why the Analyses-Engine can display the information as simple or complex lists, charts of even dashboards. Thanks to filters and sorting functions, column configurations and aggregation functions, the data can be processes further.

To allow for even the most complex mathematical analyses, we have integrated both Blockly as well as our powerful formulae editor. With just a couple of clicks, the user can for example calculate means and medians, carry out cost or consumption allocations, and even identify dependencies or discrepancies by using regression analyses.

Thanks to modern interfaces, not only the data already contained within speedikon® C but also any other data from third-party systems may be analyzed using the Analyses-Engine. Thereby all data vital for a process can be analyzed and interpreted in one place irrespective of their source.

When needs be, with the help of our colleagues from the FUTURE.LAB, even self-learning algorithms, machine learning methods as well as applications using artificial intelligence can be integrated into the Analyses-Engine.