Thursday, April 10, 2025
03:00 to 03:45 p.m. CET (UTC +2)

The conversion of energy, such as in the generation of compressed air or in cooling processes in data centers and production facilities, represents a significant cost block and is often subject to uncertainty. These processes are influenced by numerous factors such as weather conditions, demand and production capacity utilization. At the same time, they often remain a black box and potential savings are difficult to identify and evaluate.
We bring transparency to the black box! In this webinar, we will use practical examples to show you how you can use WiriTec® C to monitor, precisely analyze and visualize these processes. You will gain detailed insights into the conversion processes and can precisely evaluate the effect of influencing parameters and forecast expected consumption and behavior in order to achieve significant increases in efficiency.
The webinar will be held in German.

Emanuele Simbola,
Key Account Manager